Loan Simulator:
Check Your Eligibility

Estimate your loan amount, duration, and cost with Silvr


Fast and flexible solution

At Silvr, we tailor all our offers by carefully analyzing your financial data to accurately determine your financing capacity

  • No paperwork
  • No personal guarantee
  • Fixed monthly payments

Need more than 6 months? It's possible

Our contracts offer repayment periods ranging from 1 to 6 months. However, this doesn't prevent us from supporting you beyond 6 months. For example, 12 months is equivalent to two 6-month contracts.

  • Flexible plans for all your needs
  • Assistance from a financial advisor

Understanding your eligibility

Registered in

France or Germany

€ 7,000 minimum

monthly turnover

6 months minimum

business tenure

Small & medium-sized

Self-employed excluded

// Gsap hero animation