
Driving the Revolution and Lasting Growth






9 employees


Paris, France

Silvr Use Case

Growth Financing

Launched in 2015, Roadstr is revolutionizing the peer-to-peer car rental industry with its innovative platform. By connecting private car owners with renters, Roadstr offers a diverse catalog of over 3,000 vehicles, including a growing fleet of hybrid vehicles and electric car rentals. The company aims to make driving enjoyable while promoting environmental sustainability through car-sharing and electric vehicle adoption. With Silvr's support, Roadstr is accelerating its growth and expanding its electric vehicle offerings, paving the way for a greener future in transportation.

The Challenges

Brand Recognition

Roadstr needed to establish its brand in a competitive market. Communicating a unique value proposition was crucial. Limited marketing and brand awareness resources made it difficult for Roadstr to stand out among established car rental companies.

Financing Digital Growth

Traditional banks were ill-equipped to finance a digital-first model. The lack of physical assets made securing loans challenging. Alternative funding sources were needed to support growth, and cash flow constraints limited marketing and expansion efforts.

Expanding Electric Vehicle Offerings

The growing demand for sustainable transportation options required rapidly expanding the hybrid and electric vehicle fleet. Limited capital to invest in new electric vehicles created a challenge, as did balancing fleet expansion with operational expenses.

“even if a traditional solution is good and tailored, if you don't have the means to make yourself known, you can't make your business grow”.

Thomas Ceccaldi, Founder & CEO Roadstr

The Solution

Rapid, Non-Dilutive Financing

Silvr provided quick access to funds within 24 hours without diluting Roadstr's capital, offering a streamlined process compared to traditional bank loans.

Data-Driven Approach

Silvr's technology plugged directly into Roadstr's data, enabling more informed decision-making for growth strategies. This approach unlocked new growth levers through data analysis and provided insights for targeted expansion and marketing efforts.

Targeted Investments

Silvr’s loan allowed Roadstr to increase its advertising investment, free up cash flow for other critical operations, enable consistent brand building, and support various marketing channels for maximum reach.

“Roadstr is very happy to accelerate its growth with Silvr. The top European start-up for business loans quickly understood our issues very well.”

Thomas Ceccaldi, Founder & CEO Roadstr

The Results

Accelerated Platform Development

Significant enhancements were made to the user experience and functionality, including implementing advanced search filters and the booking process. Introducing the “Superhost” feature helped build trust, and improvements were made for both renters and vehicle owners.

Expanded Electric Vehicle Offerings

Roadstr efficiently expanded its electric vehicle lineup, now offering over 300 electric vehicles (10% of the fleet). This diverse range of EVs caters to various user preferences and positions Roadstr as a leader in sustainable transportation.

Positioned for European Expansion

Growth extended beyond 1,250 French cities to the European market. Market research for international expansion was conducted, partnerships in new European countries were established, and the user base and overall market presence increased.

”Silvr was the growth lever that allowed us to invest in marketing while freeing up cash. As a result, Roadstr has been able to quickly and efficiently expand its electric vehicle lineup to meet growing demand.”

Thomas Ceccaldi, Founder & CEO Roadstr

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“Expanding into other countries and the corresponding pre-financing of our fitness products requires enormous working capital. With Silvr, we are up to this financial challenge.”


“Unlike many other providers, Silvr offers direct contact with a dedicated person, which is invaluable.”

Head of Global Sales

“What I like about Silvr are its speed and simplicity. They quickly assess if you're eligible for funding and under what terms. This is a massive plus.”

CEO & Co-Founder
Ava & May

“Silvr lets us sleep better at night and provides a cushion to expand our business.”


“With this additional cash reserve, I keep flexibility to invest in new projects”

Founder & CEO
Birget Agency

“We needed to do more on marketing. With Silvr, we were able to fund campaigns we wouldn’t have dared to imagine otherwise”.

Co Founder

“Boosting our cash flow allowed us to launch our campaigns early, order enough stock to meet demand, and maintain competitive prices.”

Founder & CEO

“Silvr helped us bridge our outstanding receivables and create enough cash flow to launch a new B2B offer”

Mac Renew

“Thanks to this cash reserve that is always available, I can readily invest in new projects”.

Mac Renew

“The interval between the moment our monthly expenses are paid and the moment we get paid by our clients affects our cash flow levels. Silvr short term loan is the perfect solution for that”.

Flow Bow